However, the pattern contained a couple of supplies and some instructions that I found did NOT work well, so I substituted my own supplies which I detailed in this post.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Details of the crown
I purchased the crown pattern here. The pattern designer has a very specific written statement regarding use of her pattern that prohibits me from sharing how to make the crown here.
Monday, June 29, 2009
More fabric and a crown!
I got another of Vicki's palettes today. This one she calls Caribbean Blue. My favorite colors! Just look at the incredible texture of this piece..fabulous! And the rest have just as much.
Here's the whole set, the darkest piece is an extra piece.
Just beautiful. Thanks Vicki!
And the first crown is done...beading and all! Pretty swanky! I love the beaded edge; time consuming but so worth it.
I've got the blanks for the others done and ready for the girls to get here and pick out their fabrics. They'll be here in just a week! Yippee.

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Sunday, June 28, 2009
More of Vicki's fabric....
decided it needed to come live with me.... this one is called "pebbles" Hey Adam, think I should QUILT pebbles on it? ROFLMAO! Seriously though, it's perfect and will find it's way into some of my landscape and pictorial quilts....eventually, after I've had ample time to drool over it and pet it.
Well crap, I forgot what this set is called...oh well, it is beautiful sun-type colors. And the yellow/orange/ red piece is absolutely luminous!

And then as a gift, she sent this piece. Just Fabulous! and it is sooo glows!
I still have one more palette coming...the Caribbean blue one. Should be here in the next day or two. I really need to quit looking at her store for a couple days to give my credit card a break!
And then as a gift, she sent this piece. Just Fabulous! and it is sooo glows!
And just because it's been a while, and he posed so pretty, here's a shot of my beautiful Harry.
Chloe is currently asleep in a very un-lady like pose. We'll post a picture of her when she's in a pretty pose!

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Saturday, June 20, 2009
new hand dyed fabric
I got another set of hand dyed fabrics from Vicki's etsy shop today. And they are GORGEOUS! This palette is called " mineral pool" and was taken from this photograph.
Here are the pieces individually...notice the incredible texture in each piece.
This piece shows a little darker than it really is...the truer color is at the bottom of the first photo.

A few people have e-mailed me and commented that they think these fabrics are too expensive. Well, let me tell you...if you don't dye, you have no idea of the cost of both raw materials in fabric, chemicals and labor that goes into making these fabrics. Add to that; Vicki has spent the countless hours and attention to detail that is required to create formulas that allow her to reproduce these exact colors time and time again...accurately. In addition to that, she researches the color palettes and puts these colors together so that you have a beautifully coordinated set that will be successful in whatever quilt pattern you choose to use them in.
I am not affiliated...yada yada...but I think these "palettes" while not appealing to everyone, yield a fabulous, time saving find to anyone who values a work of art. These fabrics, in and of themselves are a work of art. Imagine what incorporating them into your art pieces will do for your work!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
A day with Mary
Mary and I had a wonderful day together. I know you're all dying for pictures, but it's not nice to post bathing suit pictures...unless you're 20 years old and 98 pounds...which neither of us are LOL! So here is a highly cropped photoshop version from one of the pictures I took of Mary yesterday.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009
A visit with Mary
Monday, June 15, 2009
Look what the mailman brought!
First up is a cute postcard from my cousin Mary Ann's youngest daughter. It's wonderful Ashley! Thank you very much!
And the other treat I got today was my " red sunset" palette of fat quarters from Vicki's Etsy shop.
They are beautiful in the photo, but it doesn't come close to how beautiful they are in person! Thanks Vicki for another gorgeous set of fabrics! I've got my eye on the "mineral pool palette now, yum. Do you think I can resist the urge?

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Friday, June 12, 2009
You already know....
I have way too many beads. So, since it won't be much of a surprise, I thought I'd show you my latest find. Sequins! A couple years ago at MQS Mary and I found this vendor that had unique sequins. That particular vendor hasn't been back to MQS since. Well, I've been looking for more shapes and sizes of sequins and last week I found this place. Oh boy, oh boy... what a feast for the eyes! Well my order came today. And they are fantastic! They are holographic so they don't photograph real well, but you'll get the idea. First up large leaves.
Then small leaves
And stars
Small shells
Larger shells
very large flowers(for sequins) they are larger than a quarter!

And Sunflowers (or you could use them for suns)
also larger than a quarter.
Some of these have already found their way onto the"crown" .
And lest you think I'm too bad...Look all packaged up to share!

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And lest you think I'm too bad...Look all packaged up to share!
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Wednesday, June 10, 2009
New fabric in the mail today!
Vicki opened an Etsy shop the other day. I just had to have the beautiful sunprints she had. Well they came today, and they are even more gorgeous in person! These are perfect sunprints!
And this one too!
And because I was her first customer she sent me this prezzie! One of her handpainted metallic fabrics. Metallics are notoriously had to photograph, and this one is soooooo much more beautiful in actually glows! Thank you Vicki, I love them all! If you haven't visited her shop you need to get over there!

I also spent some time today making bead mixes. I was really surprised at how many beads I had in the "brown" family. Mary will get a kick out of that since I'm always ragging on her about how much brown she uses! And yes, these are quart size zip lock bags...and yes, I know I have a! But I do share with Mother and my sisters when they need beads.
And, I also added some crystals and did some beading on the "crown" today. Beading the edge really takes a lot of beads...that's why I need so many.....(:>)
I also spent some time today making bead mixes. I was really surprised at how many beads I had in the "brown" family. Mary will get a kick out of that since I'm always ragging on her about how much brown she uses! And yes, these are quart size zip lock bags...and yes, I know I have a! But I do share with Mother and my sisters when they need beads.
Monday, June 8, 2009
DVD's are shipping!
Today was the day! Suzanne got the "shop" open for business at MQR, and I got the inventory ready. We started taking orders this afternoon, and the first batch has shipped. It all went fairly smoothly..a little "fussing" with the international shipping, but that's all worked out now. All the copies I had ready, sold and were shipped I'm "burning" more as we speak!
If you want a copy be sure to visit MQR and click on the "shop" banner at the top to order. Anyone can buy them, don't even have to be a member, though Premier members get a 20% discount. Just in case anyone needs to know, this DVD contains the first quarter premier videos I have done on MQR and include;
We will be releasing a new one each quarter with new videos.
Applique SID
What to do with Wide Borders Parts 1 & 2
Grid based background fills
Crosshatching (both straight, and curved)
Faux Trapunto
We will be releasing a new one each quarter with new videos.
If you live here in my area, you can e-mail me directly if you want a copy. That will save you the shipping costs...of course you'll still have to pay Florida tax, but you'll pay that either way.
And onto other fur babies have been extra cute this week, and since it's been a while I thought I share yesterday's photos with you. Here's Chloe and Harry!

Aren't they just the cutest?!
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